ARKEOS 56 | Proceedings of the European Humanities Conference
Book Collection

The ARKEOS collection is a monographic series, published by the Instituto Terra e Memória (ITM), within the scope of the UNESCO Chair in Humanities and Integrated Cultural Management in the Territory of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT), in partnership with the Municipality of Mação; the Geosciences Center; The Apheleia Association — Humanities International Association for Cultural Integrated Landscape Management, the MOST Program — Management of Social Transformations Program of UNESCO, Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), among other entities.

The series goal is to disseminate ongoing or completed scientific research projects in the areas of Prehistory, Archeology and Heritage Management. Its target audience is, above all, academics.

Redesigning a book collection is an opportunity for the editorial designer to design books capable of living independently, but which, together with the rest of the collection, give them a stronger and more cohesive identity.

Throughout its more than fifty volumes published so far, the ARKEOS collection has never had this strong and cohesive identity. Of the various volumes, some have the same layout, but never the same layout for all. This fact is due, among other reasons, to the fact that this identity was not established by a designer. In addition to this condition, as in many scientific books, the volumes had little rhythm, contrast and readability, making them difficult to read.
In this context, one of the biggest intents for the collection was to give it this cohesive and strong identity, by establishing a graphic identity and a fixed layout, as well as giving it a lighter reading, considering the issues of social sustainability and issues of the inclusive and accessible design, by introducing rhythm and color in the layout, contrast and legibility in the choice of typography.
In order to facilitate the experience of reading and browsing the digital volumes, in addition to the methodologies described above, some interactivity was inserted in their index, allowing the reader to click on the index markers, and go directly to the desired section.
So far, two digital volumes have been published with the new ARKEOS design.

Read the book here


